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Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with our privacy policy. In the process of interacting with the website you agree that any information, reports, offers etc, via any form of communication from or it's service providers/agents is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with these terms and conditions of use.​

Your access and use of the website automatically constitutes your agreement to be bound by these terms of use.

These terms and condition of use are current at this moment but we reserve the right to change them at any time with or without further notice. It is important that you periodically refer to these terms and conditions of use on this page and any other pages on the website. may continue or discontinue the operation of the website at any time as it chooses without giving any explanation or justification for the discontinuation, and we accept no liability for any possible costs or losses of any kind arising as a consequence of the termination of operation of the website. 

Associated Service Providers

The service providers/representatives associated with who may provide you further services such as but not limited to property appraisal information have advised us that they are licensed agents or salespeople, and are proficient and knowledgeable in the real estate industry, however no guarantee is given by us or should be assumed that any such service provider will currently be a licensed or registered agent who is proficient and knowledgeable in the real estate industry. The service providers/agents are independent of and any information or data they provide is from their own sources and means. may receive a subscription fee, commission or financial reward from these service providers by providing information you have supplied via the website or by phone or email or in person.

Any services provided by associated service providers/agents or consultants is not guaranteed. We cannot provide assurance that a particular website, preferred service provider, or agent in your postcode or suburb will be available for additional services. You agree that you use the site and provide us with your personal details understanding this to be the case. Listings are for residential properties only, or in some cases where a residence is attached to a commercial property. Check with us first. Any listings that are commercial may be removed by the main websites without refund to the owner.

Please read our Privacy Policy if you have any concerns regarding the storage of your personal information.

Use of this website

Without our specific prior written permission, you may not copy, modify, reproduce, copy , sell, store, republish, frame, download onto a computer, upload to a third party, post, transmit or distribute this content in any way except as expressly provided for in these terms and conditions.

You may view and interact with the website on any electronic device and save an electronic copy, or print out a copy, of parts of this web site solely for your own personal use, information, research or study .

Any content on this site is for general information purposes only and is not to be taken as financial, investment, or taxation advice. We recommend that you seek professional advice where necessary before acting on any information on this site. You may not use the website in an unlawful way or in any manner which violates any rights of or other users.


When using the World Wide Web, the Internet or third party networks or facilities, you are using networks, facilities and services that are beyond our control. You assume all risk and liability of your use of the World Wide Web, the Internet or any such third party networks, including any access to the website via such media.

Links to other websites

The website may from time to time arrange or provide links or references to other websites. We are not responsible for these websites and shall not be liable for any damage arising out of their use.


You agree that all the Terms of Use contained on this page and other pages will remain in full force and effect in spite of any event that some or part of these terms of use may be found to be unenforceable.

Governing Law

Any claim relating to the web site shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia without regard to its conflict of law provisions. 

General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site


Privacy Policy

By using this site, you agree to the privacy policy of which is set out below.

The privacy policy relates to the collection and use of personal information you may supply to us either by phone, email, in person or through your conduct on the website/s. 

This privacy policy governs the manner in which your personal information, will be dealt with. We reserve the right, and in our sole discretion to modify or remove any portion of this internet privacy policy at any time. This policy is in addition to any other terms and conditions applicable to the website.

We do not make any representations about any third party web sites that may be linked to this web site. We recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected about visitors to our site, in particular personal information that can identify an individual.

Personal information

Personal information to our site is collected only when you knowingly and voluntarily submit such information. It is our intention that this policy will protect your personal information from being dealt with in any way which is inconsistent with the purpose for which you gave the information and inconsistent with any applicable privacy laws of Australia.

Use of information

Any personal information that a visitor provides to us on the use of this site or by any other means will be used only for the purpose for which it is submitted unless we disclose other uses in this internet privacy policy from time to time or at the time of collection. You acknowledge that the information you submit will or may be provided to a local Real Estate Agent, for the purpose of providing the service and answering of your inquiry. You acknowledge that the information will then be held by that Real Estate Agent subject to their privacy obligations and policies, which may not conform with this internet privacy policy. Further, the information that you provide may be stored for archive and back up purposes as well as record keeping. By your use of the web site you acknowledge the use of this information in the matter set out herein.


Further to the use of the information above there may be special circumstances where personal information may be disclosed where we have reason to believe that doing so is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against anyone damaging, injuring or interfering (intentionally or unintentionally) with our rights or property, users or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities.

Also we may disclose personal information where we believe in good faith that the law requires such disclosure.


The Internet exists across open, public networks that are neither secure nor private. Although we strive to ensure the security and integrity of all personal information and the privacy of each individual submission to our web site, we cannot guarantee total security. You acknowledge and accept the risk that:

  1. Transmissions to and from this web site may be intercepted, used, and modified by third parties; and

  2. Materials obtained from and through this web site may contain computer viruses or other defects.

We will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information and once we receive your transmissions, we will also use our best efforts to ensure its security in our system.

We take all reasonable steps to keep secure any information we hold about you and to keep this information up to date and accurate we would ask that if you ever discover that information held about you is incorrect you contact us immediately so that the information may be corrected.

The material on our website is provided for general information only. It is not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should make your own enquiries and take independent advice tailored to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions in relation to any information you receive from this web site.

Limitation of liability

You expressly agree and understand that in no circumstances will be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, special and or consequential losses or damages or loss of profits of whatever nature howsoever arising (including but not limited to any act or omissions which result from:

  1. The use of or access to or any inability to use or access the network or any material on the network;

  2. Unauthorised access to or alteration of your transmission or data or;

  3. Statement or conduct of any third party on the network.

Applicable law

These conditions and all other specified and additional terms which govern your use or membership or access to will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Queensland, Australia

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